Never would Biden be Missed: The Parody of Gilbert and Sullivan's (STRONG LANGAUGE WARNING)

1 year ago

REMINDER: This video may contain some cursing/swearing/etc, so I respectfully advise you to keep any children away from this video, please. Thank you and enjoy the parody.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to thee a parody of a song I hold dear to my heart, The Parody of the Gilbert and Sullivan classic “As Someday It May Happen” or “I’ve Got a Little List” From the Mikado Musical. However, this parody is to cleverly make fun of all the corrupted, careless fools who bring Shame to America and its allies as well. As well in song to point out what’s been going on from 2020 to 2023. I was Inspired by Josh Scorcher’s parody of the song from YouTube along with the Family Guy version.

Disclaimer: The following parody contains mild language and mentions of topics that might offend some of whoever’s watching this video, the only intention of this video is to be funny and make fun of the people and stuff who are bringing the world to ruin and making lives harder for us, but if you find some of what you saw this offensive, please click off this video. With that being said, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you and God Bless.

The Instrumental Song is created by KaraokeOpera from Youtube, Go check it out:

PS: Most of these screenshots were from sources by Glenn Beck and Johnathan Chan, Credits go to them for it. Also, Credits goes to my Mom for helping me with looking for articles as well.

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