Dramatic Uncertainty with Leo Full Moon and much more! How to CIRF 1/25 - 1/31

1 year ago

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What is the main collective influence in the coming days and what is the solution?

CIRF report with Chris McCleary. CIRF=Collective Influence Report and Forecast. Advanced Next Generation Astrology report and horoscope using modern and ancient technologies. We investigate the latest memes from the latest collective dreams and thus realize what our civilization is creating or heading towards through an analysis of the Collective Unconscious. We compare that to Tropical Astrology and I-Ching hexagram readings to determine which influences are the most dominant in the coming days. We then "get in alignment with the stars" by looking at Sidereal Astrology, which helps us know how to think and behave through these transits. Learn the main collective influences and how to CIRF them like a pro!

Here's the beginner's guide to CIRF Reports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-igwFoXp_zo
Submit a dream for the DreamBot! https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/newthread.php?fid=34

Latest DreamBot is here: https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/showthread.php?tid=23333

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We are using the following paid astrology charting software by “Cosmic Patterns Software”: https://www.astrosoftware.com/cpnew/software/sirius/index.html
We are using the following resources for help in interpreting I’Ching readings:


Book a session with Chris: https://nationaldreamcenter.com/therapy/services/

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/NatlDreamCenter
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+ChrisMcCleary
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzf7t1hak14Z0sHE1-1K5w
Websites: https://www.ChrisMcCleary.com and https://www.NationalDreamCenter.com
Weekday CIRF Reports: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzf7t1hak14Z0sHE1-1K5w

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