Correlation Between IQ and Religiosity

1 year ago

Correlation Between IQ and Religiosity
In this video we anwer questions like do atheists have a higher iq, is there a correlation between religion and intelligence and what is the most educated religion and why do intelligent people have less children, are we becoming less intelligent as well as Is intelligence determined by genetics, why are people converting to islam,why is islam growing so fast, and why is average iq low in islamic nations. We also talk about why our IQ is declining.
We talk about the psychology of faith, what determines our iq, iq of religions and correlation between iq and political views. We also talk about why people join Islam more than Christianity (why are more and more people joining Islam). Many studies have found a small to moderate negative correlation between IQ and fertility rates.
The meta-analysis showed that in 53 of the studies, conducted between 1928 to 2012, there was an inverse relation between religiosity -- having religious beliefs, or performing religious rituals -- and intelligence. That is, on average, non-believers scored higher than religious people on intelligence tests. Why the decline in IQ scores? While the study didn't examine the reason for the decline in IQ scores, Dworak said there is no shortage of theories in the scientific community, including poor nutrition, worsening health, media exposures and changes to education.
In this video I talk to Ed Dutton. In his comprehensive review of research on the relationship between intelligence and religion, Edward Dutton conclusively demonstrates that the more intelligent are less religious than the less intelligent both within countries and across the world.
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