11 months ago

Africa undeniably has a problem with religious extremism. Why is it that Africans remain vulnerable to fanaticism and doomsday sects?

Kenyan cult leader Paul Mackenzie, who’s been in custody for over 100 days, has now been charged with manslaughter for the deaths of over 200 people. The self-proclaimed pastor and 94 other suspects, including his wife, pleaded ‘not guilty’ to 238 counts of manslaughter in what is now known as the Shakahola massacre. Mass graves in the forest by that name have turned up the emaciated and abused corpses of his followers, sometimes of entire families. It’s alleged he preached starvation as a route to heaven.

We chat with Pan-African professor PLO Lumumba as we wrap up January to find out why the African continent is so susceptible to religious manipulation, discussing the root causes as well as possible ways to deter preying ‘pastors.’

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