The Only Man In The World Who Can Swim With A Polar Bear: Grizzly Man

1 year ago

Grizzly man Mark Dumas, 60, is the only man in the world that can swim alongside a polar bear. The daring polar bear handler from Abbotsford, British Columbia, routinely takes for dip in his swimming pool with 16-year-old female polar bear Agee, and the pair enjoy an aquatic snuggle together. Grizzly Man Mark and wife Dawn, 60, train the 60-stone (800lb) friendly polar bear - the world's largest land predator - to act in high-budget TV ads. Agee has also performed in movies like 'Alaska' in 1995 when she was just a few weeks old. With his extraordinarily close link Grizzly Man Mark wrestles on the grass with Agee, kisses her, puts his head in the polar bear's gigantic jaws, and even bear hugs her as she rears up on her hind legs to almost seven feet. Mark and Dawn have kept Agee since she was six weeks old and the now huge bear lived in their home as a cub where she played with the family pets and was bottle fed.

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