Testimony Blizzy

9 months ago

I was thinking of titling this brief testimony, “Wind Talker And Then The Real Story”, but I think it is too many words for such a short message.

So it is always good for all of us authentically born again believers to share when God moves in our lives. It is expected that we do so because He Himself stated:

Rev 12:11 - And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Wow I think it is too early for such a scripture. Ha, but no I used it so that you could understand the value of sharing your testimony, and in part that value is that you can overcome the devil and whatever he brings your way by sharing what God is doing in your life with others.

So I have shared previously that I have prayed when the wind was jus getting crazy on my trees in Paradise Ca. And at times they would come crashing down taking a bunch others with it. now none have landed on our home which is expected because why would God tell me to move to Paradise Ca to take me out when He could have done that so many other times in my life when I was a wild prodigal.

And but at least three other times including during a snow storm I commanded the wind to stop and it did. And but now in this event I had read in a pop up from X the new twitter and fear spreader of America. We know that fear likes an audience and X provides that. So I read something to the effect that the winds were going to be dangerous in this storm.

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