Asatru Academy: Thor is my Friend

1 year ago

AFA Asatru Academy Story Reading

Thor is My Friend by Folkbuilder Jim Cummings
Recorded by Folkbuilder Nick Rice

Notes to Parents
This particular book is intended for younger children, to help familiarize them with Thor. Theological questions are unlikely based on the content, but there are few opportunities for deeper discussion, even with kids who are still quite small.
~ The anthropomorphic description of Thor, Sif, other Gods, and the Giants, along with Thor’s chariot, and goats pulling him through the heavens, may lead children to wonder why they have never seen these beings themselves. Several explanations present themselves as to explaining the nature of supernatural entities (physical reality, archetypes manifested from our folk soul, etc.), and in our faith each is free to embrace the understanding that works best for them. Personally, the best explanation, for children, that I have used is based on the concept of transcendence and immanence. So, to a child, we could explain that the Gods do indeed exist on higher plane of reality and consciousness, but They also live in this world through us, our people.
~ The key concept for this book is summarized on the last page. Children should be encouraged to identify with Thor. “Thor is strong, Thor lives in you, so you can be strong too.” Asatru is a faith that encourages us to continually improve ourselves and advance in all aspects of our life, material and spiritual. In today’s world, where we see so many examples to the contrary, it cannot hurt to encourage kids from a young age to strive for physical strength and prowess.
~ As a final note, those familiar with the Lore will be aware that Thor’s oldest son, Magni, was not born of Sif, but the giantess Jarnsaxa. I left this out of the text and defer to parents' discretion if they thought it was important to discuss with kids.

The AFA Ásatrú Academy is a comprehensive homeschool program, grounded in our faith, and built on AFA culture and values. When you enroll your children in the AFA Ásatrú Academy, it's so much more than just homeschooling! We guide you through your state's regulations and reporting requirements and assist you every step of the way. We provide lessons, lesson plans, material, and assist with grading and teaching. While, ultimately, you as the parent are responsible for presenting the material, every effort will be made to help you with this. The AFA Ásatrú Academy provides transcripts, progress monitoring, live video sessions for lessons, and story-times for younger children, and eventually an official AFA Academy high school diploma. The AFA Academy provides you and your family the faith-based education that your children need to succeed and thrive into adulthood. We invite you to take a look at our videos and if you want to know more, please visit our website at

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