The Media Is Lying To You About Mass Shootings & Here's The Proof 1-17-2024

1 year ago

The Media Is Lying To You About Mass Shootings & Here's The Proof. 1-17-2024
272,253 views January 17, 2024
Colion Noir - John Lott Jr
Almost Every Mass Shooter Event is a Staged False Flag, Used to PUSH For Gun Control and the Disarming of the American Citizens.
The Greatest Amount of Gun Violence, Crimes and Murder Occurs in Blue States and Big Cities. These crimes are not only Covered-up because they do not fit the Deep State Narrative intended to Vilify Legal Gun Ownership and Falsely Incriminate White Conservatives and Patriotic America First Nationalists.
These Big City Gang Wars and Mass Murders are also being used to Falsely Jack up Mass Shooter Statistics and Deceive the Public.
Corrupt Judges and Prosecutors, Law Enforcement and Government Officials are Conspiring to Intentionally Destroy America From Within by Allowing Criminals and Violent Crime to Run Rampant, while Falsely Blaming Legal, Rightful Gun Owners.
Government is not only to Blame for most Crime and Violence in America, but are in fact, the Biggest Criminals in America.
Join me as I engage in a thought-provoking conversation with John Lott Jr.
We unravel the misconceptions surrounding mass shootings, dissecting the alarming statements made by politicians and the media. Together, we explore the truth behind the statistics, revealing the rarity of mass public shootings. We dive into the nuances of gun control, examining California's surprising trends, and challenge stereotypes by uncovering the motivations and demographics behind these tragic events.
Join us on this journey as we untangle the web of misinformation surrounding this critical issue.
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