UK pianist Brendan Kavanaugh says “No” to CCP

1 year ago

01/23/2024 Brendan Kavanaugh: The piano incident has evolved into a diplomatic incident. It was basically caused by the fact that I said No to the CCP. The behavior of the shouty guy shows that he was not used to be told No. He questioned me as if I was in China and was in a camp. He also played the race card, and once you say you are racist, the UK policeman just melt. It is an unholy wedlock between political correctness and authoritarianism, and he weaponized it. CCP, you attempted to take down the video, but we are keeping it up !
01/23/2024 英国网红钢琴师Brendan Kavanaugh:“钢琴事件”演化成一起外交事件。它本质上是因为我对中共说了“不”。那个大喊大叫的中国男人的行为显示他并不习惯别人对他说“不”。他质问我就像我在中共国的集中营里一样。他还打出了“种族主义”的牌。一旦有人说你是种族主义者,英国警察就不知所措了。这就是政治正确和专制主义的邪恶结合体,他将其武器化了。中共,你们试图将那个视频下架,但是我们会努力保留这个视频。

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