Clear evidence of bioweapons research and release in Wuhan and how the U.S. Government reacted

8 months ago

Ironclad evidence has emerged this week that the U.S. Government funded highly lethal gain of function bioweapons research in Wuhan China, the bioweapon they were making got out via a human subject, and spread around the world.

Officials in the U.S. Government knew right away what they were confronting, they created a diversion story for the public, while they acted to mitigate the threat. Their solutions failed miserably. The countermeasure from the same SARS COV2 bioweapons program they approved did not work and it was lethal for a large proportion of the world population. The lethality of that weapon became known right away after it was released, yet these same officials did nothing to remove that product from the market.

This is a straight-forward explanation for a crisis that has received tremendous speculation about origin and response.

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