People always have something to say.

10 months ago

It doesn’t matter if you are the laziest person or the most driven person in the world, people are always going to find fault in you.
You make some people feel better about themselves when you are in the dungeon. They can even offer advice on how you can improve your life.
While some are well-intended, beware that many others are not. They are giving you advice to put themselves on a level above you while hoping you will never truly achieve what you can. They play the good friend role until you start to surpass them. Then your evolution poses a threat to them and their insecurities spark hate. That dirty mirror they are looking into becomes real as fuck.
Don’t let that other people’s insecurities get in the way of your success. Some people just don’t want things badly enough to do the work necessary to get there so when you achieve beyond what they even thought was possible, it sparks the hate!
Remember, there is enough food for everyone to eat!

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