Interview 655 with Peter William

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My name is Peter William,
I am born in British Columbia Canada. Was married but my wife passed away in 2018. I am currently widowed with no children and reside in Coquitlam British Columbia Canada. I have been content with the Canadian government up to year 2020, but now have huge concerns with this current treasonous government.
I am a Tool and Die maker and an Industrial Machinist I am self-employed as of 2006. In 1991 for a friend who came up with the rules to an older original version, I developed the Laser Master Game, the future of chess,
for any question about the game or program my email address is: .
I am the main founder of the Federation of Laser Masters Society where members use my Laser Master game and my Mathematical Laser Master Game Puzzles book. Many instructors and I were teaching in many public and private schools before the government decided to introduce a fake emergency for the common cold which is not an emergency. Because the government told the school administration, students could not mix with other grades, because of fear of passing the common cold flu sickness around. As a result, I did not have enough students sign up for my classes, classes were stopped. 3 years later unfortunately, I am only teaching in 1 private school now, organizing a very exciting Laser Master game class of 15 students. To include in this school programme, I published the Mathematical Laser Master Game Puzzles exercise book.
This honest game and programme, helps children and adults to think critically, to analyze the consequences for logical choices of moves in the game of Laser Master, which improves critical thinking skills for better choices in real life. Laser Master is based on 6 chess move patterns, Laser Master pieces can shoot and upload ammunition, in chess this is impossible and not an option, that is why we call this new game, Laser Master the future of chess.
Since the government came out with this fake pandemic to create their problem to affect us, to make us react then force us to accept their solution, which is a fake mR NA cov id-1 9 vac cine. This fake mRNA covid-19 vaccine is actually a bio-weapon which kills about 1 out of 1000 people and seriously injures about 1 out of 200 people. As Major Tom Haviland says in Odessa Orlewicz’s interview with US Air Force Major Tom Haviland.
Link to Interview:,
This government has premeditated murder and premediated assault on We The People of every country on the globe. I realized that, without informed consent, this is a premeditated criminal offence to force people to take this experimental drug, bio-weapon.
Because we do not consent to the government lies, intimidation and extortion. My friend Joanne and I created the Freedom mR NA Medical Alert Bracelets to protect ourselves from randomly getting injected if we are not able to speak for ourselves, by this mR NA experimental drug, bio-weapon, fake Co vid-1 9 vac cine. It also is a morale booster for me to wake up each morning and put on my mR NA Medical Alert Bracelet, it gives me a sense of security, it also reaffirms my non consent standing. A nurse told me that when you’re in hospital the staff are not to take off medical alert bracelets for other doctors and nurses see that you do not consent to these injections.
Wear Freedom mR NA Medical Alert Bracelets to protect yourself from mR NA injury or premeditated murder. Feel Safe! - Feel reassured and encouraged while your seniors and children are away from home! Share this with your community to ensure that health professionals follow proper legal procedure of 'informed consent'. Wearing this bracelet could save you and your loved ones from drug injury or premeditated murder and in the worst case scenario give you tools to sue for malpractice.
(One Size Fits All) they come in Black, Blue or Red silicone wrist bands.
We have 2 statements on the stainless steel plate that you can choose from.
1) Do Not Give Cov id-1 9 Vac cine
2) Do Not Give mR NA Injections
To order go to this website, we ship worldwide.
The other very exciting area of freedom fighting that I have a passion for is Natural and Common Law. To start comprehending this huge topic. First you have to be aware that we have unalienable God given rights, when you signed the citizenship contract you have given up your God given rights for the rights of the government’s Citizenship contract agreement. Not many people were aware of this, therefor you can revoke the Citizenship contract agreement because there was not full disclosure or a meeting of the minds to form a credible contract.
To learn about our unalienable god given rights, click this link for an explanation.
To become a private man I must change my Canadian standing and public status to private, a man a living soul vs public, person citizen. This is a huge study but very rewarding, because once you become recognized on a court of record with the Canadian Justice system as a Canadian National or Canadian Settler (a man a living soul) you get your unalienable God given rights back because you will be recognized as a Canadian National or Canadian Settler (a man a living soul) and not a Canadian Citizen.
For 2 years we have been studying Natural Law, Common Law and Legal Law, we are very aware that most if not all Canadian judges, justices and masters are freemasons a secret cult society, which builds governments and defends governments, good or bad. We are currently studying David Lester Straight’s Texas USA material. I will be ready this year to submit my documents to the probate court judge. I do have to do more research to verify my Canadian documents as David Lester Straight’s documents are primarily for USA men and women. I have recently come across another Canadian group that I do not recommend at the moment, as there are too many negative concerns, however we are reviewing their Canadian documents to compare with what David Laser Straight has available. The biggest surprise in this huge study is to find out that all of our birth certificates Worldwide are held in the Vatican and are financial bonds with a value attached to them and are bought on sold on the biggest Stock Exchanges to create a profit for the country’s governments that the birth Certificate is associated with. This Birth Certificate value is collateral for each country’s debt.
According to the Roman and British Empire’s Admiralty Maritime Commerce Contract Law masonic system. After we change our Standing and Status, change the superior titles of what we own by removing our Birth Certificate name off title, to a true ownership. Declare we are: a man a living soul, documented then recognized by the government as a creditor in stead of a citizen debtor. We can claim our Crown Trust that is associated with our Birth Certificate, Social Security Insurance Number and tax returns at a probate court. After we have access to our crown trusts all of our debts like taxes, utility bills, go through our inherited our Crown Trust that was supposed to be ours many years ago to help our families, but now the government wanted it. To learn of the Cestui Que Vie Crown Trust click the link below.
We will be posting our progress and all documents that we use to my telegram channel. To join our Telegram Natural Law British Columbia Canada Chat channel, you can add me as a contact into your phone, my number is 1-604-436-0807 Telegram user name is: @CmdrPeter
Name in Telegram is: Peter Cmdr living soul. Message me and I will send you a time sensitive link for 1 man or women to join.
This is the end of my bio and interests thank you for reading and supporting the Freedom Movement.
Thank you Jesse Hal for allowing me to be interviewed and all the work that you do. God
Bless you all!
Peter William, (a man a living soul).

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