EXPOSED! - UK Guardian Endangers Child She Was Tasked To Protect

1 year ago




I have over 80 hours worth of Court hearings recorded, 7000+ pages of court documents, and much more. Only liars fear the truth being exposed. Email:

The UK Court-appointed Guardian tasked with representing my son's best interests did anything but. What was exposed during her cross-examination at the final Care hearing in May 2023 was nothing less than shocking.

I’d previously met with the Guardian in February 2023, when she plainly agreed that the mother was extremely dangerous, that it wasn’t proper even under British law to have a forced adoption within the same family, that it didn't make sense that the Aunt could effectively manage contact, and that the UK enforcing a custody order in Florida when there was/is already a pre-existing custody order in the U.S.

Yet when she took the stand, the Guardian minimized the mother’s level of threat as mere “theory”, argued the Aunt could manage contact, and was fully supportive of the forced adoption placement.

What changed?

The fact that she openly admits in this video that the placement with the Aunt is risky because of the local threat posed by both the mother and grandmother in Florida while placement with the father in California mitigates risk, was a stunning admission.

But still she stuck to the less-safe plan, knowingly endangering the child. Her job is to protect children yet that seems to be the very last thing she cares about. And unlike others I have exposed on this channel, she was fully conscious of what she did. She knew better and lied anyway.

The judge, of course, kept interrupting and scolding my Solicitor, disrupting his flow and making her prejudice against the father all the more obvious. Justice Lieven is a disgrace and should voluntarily resign from the High Court effective immediately.

Welcome to Coventry Family Court, where women are always believed and men are always doubted regardless of the evidence, where children are anything BUT prioritized.

And remember, none of these proceedings were valid to begin with. Both parents are American, my son is American. The UK had NO RIGHT to deny returning my parentally-abducted child, who I have had sole custody of since August 2021, let alone giving him away to someone else, knowingly placing him at risk.

A massive lawsuit is pending. Anyone experiencing family court injustices, I strongly advise that you record everything. The level of corrupt can be so brazen that people won't believe you if you tell them. Keep meticulous documentation and relentlessly expose these duplicitous monsters.

The more widely the problem is seen by the public, the more likely the it is to be resolved. I will not be silenced until justice is served and I have been reunited with my son.

That's a promise. #Justice4Keanu

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