Article 4616 Video - Horror Stories Incoming - Monday, January 22, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4616 Video - Horror Stories Incoming - Monday, January 22, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Since we published the details of the "joint estate" and the deceased "brothers and sisters" --- the Afterbirth materials, in fact --- that the Roman Catholic Church has been busily seizing upon and using to create joint estate trusts, horror stories that are eerily similar have been showing up in my inbox.

"This revelation of yours floored me, because both my Catholic grandmother (born in 1894) and Catholic mother (born in 1928) were haunted their whole lives by the story told to my grandmother in the upstate New York Catholic hospital where my mother was born of the supposed stillbirth of my mother's fraternal twin! Now, thanks to you, I have just learned that there was never any such stillborn fraternal twin, but that using the Unam Sanctam placenta fiction, the stinking hospital completely invented this story and told it to my grandmother to generate guilt feelings in her and make her feel obligated to financially redeem the "stillborn" from limbo! Every year until her death I spent New Year's Eve with my grandmother, and every year out of the blue she would launch into a tirade about the whole concept of original sin. Sadly, one can be traumatized for decades by total fabrications...."

Based on this and corroborating stories evidencing the same basic elements of (1) new Mothers being told that their live baby had a "still born fraternal twin" and (2) being "obligated" to pay money to financially "redeem" this "stillborn fraternal twin" -- more details of the Dead Baby Scam are emerging.

Apparently, this was standard practice, with potentially millions of families being randomly impacted by the idea that they had lost a baby - a son or daughter - and being bum-rushed to pay for emergency baptism, Last Rites, burial, etc.

One has the eerie image of priests baptizing a placenta and then doing the Last Rites over it and we all wonder how long this could have gone on -- with a straight face -- and with the burgeoning medical knowledge available even in the 1700s? Yet it appears that this practice went on up to and in some places --after-- World War II.

Women were routinely told that they had given birth to a stillborn "fraternal twin" and were left to grieve for it and feel bad about it for the rest of their lives, saying Rosaries and Our Fathers for the soul of the poor little waif that died as an infant, tending the lonely little grave, crying at night over it, never forgetting the loss of this son or daughter....

Many report that they were made to feel guilty, as if something they did -- a remnant of their own Original Sin -- had attached to this lost baby, and that they had failed it somehow.

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