Explain the Facts About the Second Trimester Abortion Clinic

1 year ago

If you need an abortion during the second trimester, the women's center can help you with safe procedures. The second trimester abortion, also called dilation and evacuation (D&E), is surgery that is usually done between 14 and 23 weeks and 6 days after a woman's last period. It is thought to be very safe, but there are some rare problems that could happen like blood clots, tears in the cervix, the uterus getting punctured, not all of the pregnancy tissue being removed, and a lot of bleeding. The process usually takes two to three days, but you don't have to stay in the hospital overnight. Patients get care before their surgery, which includes ultrasound tests. They may also have induced fetal demise to make the procedure safer. Abortions done in the second trimester are usually safe and work well. Problems are not as common or as serious as those with first-trimester abortions. For more information, please talk to us.


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