Anthony William – Medical Medium – For those who are Uncomfortable with the Term "Medium"

8 months ago

I personally was one of these people who were completely turned off with the term medium. I ignored this guy for at least 5 years, I would see some posts and some video titles but never gave it a chance.

I was suffering from a personal illnesses for decades, had seen over 50 doctors and not one of them helped me. In fact, the drugs they gave me just gave me more symptoms which were treated by more drugs and before I knew I was taking 12 drugs every morning. I was going downhill.

I finally ran across a link to a video and decided to give the guy a listen.

This was in 2017, about 7 years ago. I was on some of the most addicting drugs a person can be on and some of the most toxic drugs - all kinds of drugs, about 12 of them every freaking day.

It has taken some time, but I followed some protocols of this guy and I take NO drugs at all today. FACT.

I had all kinds of illnesses, from Kidney, Diabetes, Severe Intestinal, Bile Duct, Gallbladder, Fatty Liver, Brain Fog, Severe Depression, Chronic Fatigue and Severe Chronic Back/Pelvis Pain.

I am on the road to recovery, I still have the Fatigue and the Pain, but I no longer need any drugs / medications.

I was one who believed that the Bible said "Mediums are of the Devil" and was surrounded by family members who believed this.

I no longer believe this for one second.

Once digging deep into the Bible and how the books were put together by Emperor Constantine in The First Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325 & Canonized by The Third Council of Carthage in A.D. 397, I realized that Constantine and the Catholic Church was founded on Paganism.

I learned that many of the books in the Bible were written by Mediums.

The Ethiopian Bible appeared in A.D. 497 with 88 Books.

The Geneva Bible came out in A.D. 1560 & had 80 Books.

Then after publishing a book on Demonology, King James had Sir Francis Bacon (both Masons) in A.D. 1611, edit the Bible down to 66 Books.

The Roman Catholic Church claims it was all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but considering the FACT that they are SELF-ANOINTED and the 'CATHOLIC' means 'UNIVERSAL' in Latin, you might want to read the other 54 Books and exercise your God given Agency to Discern for yourself.

I definitely resonate with Jesus in the Bible, but my beliefs on Mediums have changed.

I don't believe for one single second that Anthony William is receiving information from the Devil.

I believe Pharmakaia is of the devil though and so are the drugs they develop.

This is my opinion, but I don't pay one bit of attention to ANY other Health Book on the market other than Anthony William - Medical Medium. I have went down that route and read TONS of them and tried their protocols and they didn't work, just as Big Pharmas drugs didn't work.

Medical Medium's protocol worked and continues to do so, although I fall off the wagon, i still need no drugs.

This is for those who are uncomfortable with the word Medium -- I sure used to be.

Not anymore. This is just my story, everyone has their own journey and their own beliefs. I am not attempting to convince anyone one way or the other but just trying to open minds up a little bit as some of the things we grew up hearing over and over may not be true.

If someone is sick and has been going from doctor to doctor and cannot find the answers, just maybe give this a try, you have nothing to lose.

My Blog on Anthony William:

Anthony William Website:

Source for this Video: Heal Documentary – Kelly Noogan Gores

Full Video here: Heal Documentary –Kelly Noonan Gores --

END. 1/23/2024.

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