Student At Medical College Says If She Can't Abort A Full Term Baby She Will Leave Wisconsin

8 months ago

One of the biggest challenges in what I do is seeing the true underbelly of the most horrible people imaginable. As you have probably come to realize if you spend any time at all on social media, is that people often feel empowered and even emboldened to say horrible things because they can. I will tell you, though, that sometimes I still come across things here and there that shock even me. And considering how cynical I've become in my old (cough cough) age, that's really saying something. I'm not naive, I know there are plenty of people out there who support abortion all the way up to and even after birth; Hell, my own previous governor, Ralph Northam, spoke nonchalantly about what doctors should do if a baby survives an abortion and basically said the baby could be left to die if that is still what the mother wants. You can't even make up this sort of evil.

Speaking of evil you can't make up, check out this med student in Wisconsin who says she will leave the state if she's not allowed to abort full-term babies. No really. I love how the woman at the end is angry at her NOT because she's a complete and total ghoul who wants abortion on demand, no no, she's angry because it will not help their numbers in Wisconsin. Apparently, they don't have enough abortion doctors to go around. Poor things. Such a young little monster. This may well be our greatest challenge as a race - convincing human beings once again that life is precious and not something to be taken for granted or thrown away simply out of convenience. Oh, and of course, the pro-aborts will accuse me of being religious or forcing my faith on others and in reality, cherishing life is not just about religion, it's about humanity. Far too many of us have lost our humanity and this little monster proves it.

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