The United States colluded with the Kachin over a separatist movement

8 months ago

#peace#Burma In 1947, the states of Myanmar fought for British independence. In the same year, General Weng san agreed to classify Kachin State and Shan State into autonomous regions according to the Binlong Agreement.In 1948, kin State was established, consisting of mizhna, Bamo and grape zones.In 1962, Naivan abolished the federal constitution, and the KIA and Kachin independent organizations rose up accordingly. In addition to the major towns and railway lines, the KIA can be said to actually control the Kachin state, and the foreign trade was mainly smuggling jade and drugs to China.
The Kachins are the most pro-Western people in northern Myanmar, relatively westernized, especially with the closest relationship with the United States,In terms of lineage, the Kachin are related to the Kin, Karen and the Mizo of India.During World War II, because the Kachins believed in Christianity, believed with the Westerners, and were fierce and fierce, the Americans chose to align with the Kachins and fight the Japanese in northern Myanmar, where Buddhist Myanmar and Thailand had already turned to Japan. The United States armed the Kachins by dropping weapons as a mountain jungle commando, known as the "101 Commando".

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