NOT AI. vision programming

1 year ago

This startee in automation which included part verification. Robot vision systems , quality cams.

It the same thing. AI is bullshit as climate change or the Plandemic. Used and programmed these cams. You can also make safety zones detection of people.
Cams like Baner Keyannce .

Not AI time to stop this false Flag moonlanding bullshit .

Dont believe we were on the moon.

If u do then you're stupid enough to believe in AI.

Its a lie. Trust me. Work in the industry. I have nothing to gain

My 86 cents on rumble isnt gonna set me up for life. But if u sheep.wake up maybe we have a chance.

I have been right on everything more then alex jones

I can tell u exactly how to set these cams up where to buy them and how to program them.
Some cams cost over 20k btw. They can pick up very extreme details. Again its not fucking AI.

The corporations and governments believe you are all dumb and mentally retarded.

Better start proving them wrong .

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