The Low Low Cost of Living Abroad

1 year ago

Today we look at the dental cost in Thailand. Sure, I probably could have found a cheaper place in Thailand and I am sure it would have been cheaper to go to the dentist at my home in Vietnam BUT we are doing all of our medical appointments, as of now, in Thailand to have less communication issues AND this was a top notch dental office. You get what you pay for.

Shout out to @RetiredWorkingForYou

Please comment the cost would have been at your home dentist. Don't bother telling us how much it cost through your Dental Insurance without telling us how much it cost to have said Dental Insurance in the way of premiums. :-)

00:00 Intro
01:05 Travel to Our First Appointment
04:13 Edelweiss Dental House
08:15 Prices
08:48 Call to Action
09:20 Retired Working for You
09:36 The Journey Home and a Fancy Dinner
11:39 Too Much Gamma Radiation

#thailand #expat #expatlife #costofliving #dentalcare #dentalcost #tacobell #hulk #brucebanner #gammarays #mcgee #davidbanner #bts #bangkok #healthcare #pricecomparison #teeth #xray #marvel #television

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