Monique Of York, is she Australia's most underrated yet successful leaders?

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In a small town in the WA Goldfields a petit Leader has emerged. I have met and interviewed her several times, and i believe she is a powerful force for good, and healing. She has a vision of how to fix things, and the commitment to realise that vision.

Meet Monique of York.

This is from Their page
We are Us - We - ALL
Not - for - profit
We are people like you, who have come together to co-create a community-run health hub in York, Western Australia and an online health presence for those outside of York.
Life is NOT meant to be hard to sustain on all levels, why not come together to ease the burden for us all and re-mind each other how much easier it should always have been.

Our Mission

Dedication to collaborate to bring quality health alternatives, where each individual guides and is responsible for their own choices along their wellness journey.
Collaborate to provide what is needed in the current health care system, to increase accessibility, affordability and expand choice available.
Ease present burdens within the current health system, such as waiting lists, variety and accessibility.
Provide a way for those struggling financially to access necessities such as food, clothing and health sustainability for themselves and their children.
Who collaborates with us
We are run by volunteers who are are COMPASSSION AWARE trained. We encourage qualified Mental Health Support Workers, General Practitioners, Counsellors and other professional health practitioners to share their expertise with us to expand the quality of service for the community.

Our core values are:

Non-judgmental, open conversation to support awareness in personal health choices to ensure ALL are free to express and experience their choice as to their health journey.
A space where those who seek health collaboration, are given the opportunity to hold responsibility for their own journey, whilst accessing high quality, affordable and reliable health service based in unity, compassion and cultural awareness, so that ALL health choices and journeys are heard, shared, treated equally and respected.
A space where we value both natural and allopathic methods of healing, as both areas offer different experiences to heal. The choice to combine both or choose one of these two methods, belongs to the individual seeking healing along their health journey.

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