Ben Shapiro Calls For Endless Support For Ukraine Against Russia No Matter The Cost

1 year ago

Since the US and European overthrow of the Ukraine government in 2014, it is estimated that the US/Europe/NATO backed Ukraine government has massacred 14,000 Ukrainian civilians in two cities that are predominately Russian speaking.

The US/Europe/NATO backed Ukraine government are allied with actual Ukrainian Nazis. This is not a lie. Even the ADL in America after denying it for a long time and berating people for mentioning it made a 180 turn and basically said but these are good Nazis that are working with the Jews to defeat Putin.

Interesting that it was Russian who helped defeat the Nazis. So what kind of Jews are these eh? Not all Jews worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ben Shapiro who makes it known he is an Orthodox Jew said in an interview that he doesn't believe God almighty parted the red sea. Really? I'm not Jewish. But I DO WORSHIP the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and I DO BELIEVE the Lord God almighty parted the red sea to make a way for the Hebrews to have safe passage and escape the Egyptian army charging at them. That wasn't just happenstance and the fact the great wall of water collapse on the Egyptian army at right moment wasn't just happenstance either. So based on his answer leads me to believe he is a Jewish Kabbalist. Which by the way, is what the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and Marina Abramovic, (the spirit cooker who was recently appointed Ukraine Ambassador to rebuild schools in Ukraine) are.

Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods but me." That is the first commandment.

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