The Violet Flame High Frequency Mantra MIRACLES + Wealth & Healing

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The Violet Flame High Frequency Mantra Rare Occult Christian Mysticism Prayer Decree for Unlocking Miracles & Positive Energy

30 Day Challenge: Karma Cleanse, Remove All Negative Energy, Manifest Miracles & More! What happens when you use the Violet Flame? With every beat of our hearts, energy is flowing to us from our Higher Source. Every moment, we decide whether to put a positive or negative spin on it. We have the free will to “qualify” God’s energy coming to us. By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us.

Our energy choices come back to us bringing more of the same into our lives. It comes as blessings, it comes as lessons for us to learn to do better, and as opportunity to make things right. Negative choices cause negative energy to build up in ourselves, our cells, our psychology, and creates our limitations. Many refer to this energy as negative karma.

This happens on a group level too, in communities, countries and the world. This group karma affects our destinies. The visualization, affirmation, and meditation on the violet flame consumes this negative energy – transmutes it to positive energy. We can work with this violet light to turn ourselves and this world around.

We can set the energy free!

Saint Germain teaches that the violet flame has the ability to change physical conditions because of all the spiritual flames; the violet is closest in vibration to the components of matter. The violet flame can literally consume the negative layers of energy within and between the very atoms of your being.

The Violet Flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light and those who have open spiritual sight have seen it as a beautiful violet aura or flame. It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation.

The use of this spiritual energy is taught by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. The Violet Flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of heavenly alchemy, and a special spiritual solution for our time. It is the elixir of the age.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain is calling you as a fellow spiritual alchemist to fan the flame of joy, transmutation, mercy and resolution. Bathe the earth in violet fire. Saturate yourself and your loved ones in the energy of the violet flame and watch your world change.

For the scientific minded, here is the greatest explanation of why the violet flame works – “In our physical world, the violet light is the shortest wave length of light and therefore, the highest frequency in the physical spectrum. Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! That means, it has the greatest ability to change matter at the atomic level.”

Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939–2009) was an American spiritual leader, author, and speaker who co-founded the New Age religious movement known as the Summit Lighthouse. She gained prominence in the late 20th century for her teachings on spirituality, ascended masters, and the use of spiritual tools for personal transformation.

The Violet Flame Invocation is a key aspect of the teachings associated with Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the Summit Lighthouse. It is based on the belief in the violet flame, which is thought to be a spiritual energy with purifying and transmuting qualities. The concept is rooted in the teachings of Saint Germain, an ascended master believed to be a spiritual being who has lived on Earth and attained enlightenment through a series of lifetimes.

The Violet Flame Invocation involves the recitation of a prayer or decree designed to invoke the transformative power of the violet flame for various purposes, including the transmutation of negative energy, purification, and spiritual growth. The invocation is often used as a form of meditation and affirmation.

While the specific wording of the Violet Flame Invocation may vary, it typically involves calling upon the violet flame and expressing a desire for personal and planetary healing. The practice is intended to help individuals overcome challenges, release negative karma, and accelerate their spiritual development.

Another example of the Violet Flame Decree:

"I AM a being of violet fire,
I AM the purity God desires.

Violet fire, thou love divine,
Blaze within me, oh, blaze within me.
Violet fire, thou love divine,
Blaze within me, oh, blaze within me.

I AM the violet flame
In action in me now,
I AM the violet flame
To Light alone I bow.

I AM the violet flame
In mighty cosmic power,
I AM the light of God
Shining every hour.

I AM the violet flame
Blazing like the sun,
I AM God's sacred power,
Freeing every one."

Practitioners often repeat such decrees with focused intent and a meditative mindset, believing that the repetition and invocation of the violet flame can assist in transmuting negative energy, promoting healing, and fostering spiritual development.

🌙✨ ✨💫

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The Violet Flame, Mantra, Frequency, Occult, Prayer, Mystic, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Decree, St Germain, Miracles, Ascended Master Saint Germain, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Mysticism, Ascension, Theosophy, Summit Lighthouse, Challenge, Energy, Transmutation, Manifest Miracles, Transformation, Karma, Reiki, Yoga, Manifestation, Law of Attraction

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