January 24: A Day Full of Historical Significance

8 months ago

1639 Connecticut colony organizes under Fundamental Orders
1648 Lord Baltimore's representative Margaret Brent ejected from the Maryland Council after requesting right to vote

1656 1st Jewish doctor in North American colonies, Jacob Lumbrozo, arrives in Maryland
1776 Henry Knox arrives at Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the artillery that he has transported from Fort Ticonderoga
1901 Denmark and the US sign a treaty under which Denmark will sell the Danish West Indies to the USA for $5 million, but the sale will be postponed until 1917
1908 Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell publishes "Scouting for Boys" as a manual for self-instruction in outdoor skills and self-improvement. The book becomes the inspiration for the Scout Movement.
1923 Aztec Ruins National Monument in New Mexico established
1935 1st canned beer, "Krueger's Cream Ale," is sold by American company Krueger Brewing Co.
1950 Jackie Robinson signs highest contract ($35,000) in Dodger history
1958 After warming to 100,000,000 degrees, 2 light atoms are bashed together to create a heavier atom, resulting in 1st man-made nuclear fusion
1962 Jackie Robinson is 1st African American elected to Baseball's Hall of Fame;
1964 24th Amendment to US Constitution goes into effect & states voting rights could not be denied due to failure to pay taxes
1972 Japanese Sgt. Shoichi Yokoi is found hiding in a Guam jungle, where he had been since the end of World War II.
1984 Apple Computer Inc unveils its revolutionary Macintosh personal computer
1986 Voyager 2 makes 1st fly-by of Uranus (81,593 km), finds new moons
2003 The United States Department of Homeland Security officially begins operation
2017 President Trump withdraws the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
2018 Former US Olympic team doctor Larry Nassar found guilty of molesting over 150 girls, sentenced up to 175 years in prison
2023 Doomsday Clock reset 90 seconds until midnight, the closest it has ever been (set up 1947) by Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, due partly to war in Ukraine

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