Worldwide Coup by the Elite is Underway

1 year ago

Together, we must say "NO" to "UN Agenda 2030" (a.k.a. "The Great Reset), a plan for humanity's future that was authored by the world's financial and ideological elite--a mostly unelected group that's financed by the wealthiest people in the world--the Thirteen Families--the inbred central banking families who long ago bought up the world through monetary fraud and grift, and who have been working hard for over a century now pursuing their multi-generational plan to enslave the world. Year after year after year they have been slowly and incrementally herding humanity like frightened cattle into the Technocratic feedlot they've been building for us all to live in. That is, if we're permitted to live at all in this new paradigm that they openly and shamelessly call their "New World Order," a Technocratic, Neo-feudalistic, AI-controlled hellhole that will soon make every other tyranny ever developed by the elite in the past pale in comparison.
We must not only reject their dystopic plan for the future of humanity, we must replace it with one of our own making, one that's so good for the average individual that will cause our descendants to one day look back upon this pivotal moment in history and call it "The Great Renaissance."
Before we can ever do that, however, there must first be a "Great Awakening."
Freedom Movement Manifesto
Meet the Thirteen Families
The Great Awakening

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