Sasquatch Contact - The Voice Of Nefatia

1 year ago

There's been much controversy over the years surrounding the voice of Nefatia, my Sasquatch friend whose family I've interacted with over the past decade, documenting a mass of supporting evidence. that continues to present day. The vocals documented over the years have set a precedent in Sasquatch research showing that not only do Sasquatch exist, but also the fact they're a people with abilities that change our understanding of reality. They have been gracious and giving of their voice, their talents and a development of contact over many years.

This video clearly shows the difference between the property owner and Nef.
There's a distinct difference in both their voice and the distance between them, clearly showing they are two different beings. Be objective, use your skills, your intuition, your ability to listen to details. There is no question as to the authenticity at this point in time. A decade of continued contact experience, consistency and a lack of contradiction all lend a hand. Multiple family members have been recorded over the years as this involves a family.

I'm there in the thick of it. I've been given the gift of contact and have helped crack the mystery of this elusive ancient race who have remained hidden by choice from humans. We are in the midst of a reveal by their people, their choice. This is some of of the most advanced Sasquatch research the world has ever known.

This is NOT a discovery by science as science avoids certain facts regarding their abilities. Science is pseudo, biased and ignorant of the reality of their quantum abilities. There's a compiled list of both researchers and eyewitnesses who have witnessed them disappear into thin air and so much more. Sasquatch are true Masters of earth energies!

I always appreciate the needed support, so please visit my website to help fund this continued and important research.Your donations are needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Published August 25, 2022 (YouTube)

Thumbnail artwork created by Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz art

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