The Real Hebrew Israelites vs Edom and Khazaria and " The Infliction of Commerce"

1 year ago

The Real Hebrew Israelites vs Edom and Khazaria and " The Infliction of Commerce"
This book is for my people, the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans the chosen people of Yah. This book is also for our people that do not know their true way of life, and those Israelites that have given their lives or that are risking their lives teaching the truth. This is medicine for the sick amongst us that love to be called Niggers and bitches. The writings herein shall tarnish the slave to master relationship that yet exists within the hearts of many of our people. If many dislike you or insult you because of the truth don't you worry just continue on teaching or learning the truth for the truth is not for all men not even all of Israel will accept this but do not fear any that threatens you because you are into the truth.

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