America Claims The World Thirsts For Its Leadership

1 year ago

So #US Secretary of State #AntonyBlinken, thinks the #World needs #America
That's like saying #Humanity needs a #Bullet in the head.
These #WesternDespots won't end with #Fascism, #Tyranny and a #GeoPolitical #Ideology for #Hegemony of the World America built on #Genocide and #Slavery and believes people of the #Planet needs them.
These conflict in #Ukraine and #Israel have revealed how much the #UnitedState and #CollectiveWest care little for its own citizens, but only for the #GeoPolitical #deology for #Hegemony of the #World. Tons of money for #Chaos, #Destruction and #Death in other countries while #Millions of in their own anguish in #DrugAbuse, #Homelessness and #DebtPeonage.
America is in system failure mode and the catalyst for Western Nations to follow in it wake. Too top-heavy, bloated Military expenditures, plagued by #Debts (34T) and #Woke with its #LGBTQ! Agendas and imploding from #Corruption, #Hubris and #Indulgence.

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