Fuk Twatter X

1 year ago

Elon is funded by the oligarchs of Vangaurd and Blackrock.

Hired WEF twat as the ceo.

He is as fake as Biden and Tredeau. Gathering your data for his fake AI bullshit which is tables of data programming and algorithm OR < If > AND > BUT

Most ppl praised Edison also and he was a fraud and fake.

If there was no data mining the globalist would be screwed.

Cant comtrol or fight what u dont understand

Remember elon tried to make nurolink but all the monkeys died.

His satellite internet sucks.

Everything he made was stolen and created by someone elae.

Ppl who liked Gates before like Elon now same crap.

How u show who rules who. Shut it down . Stop using it.

But the sheep love to group and follow. Could stop them taking the vax cant stop them supporting the globalist who are trying to kill us

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