Solar Flare Radio Blackouts the Last 24Hrs

1 year ago

M5 Solar Flare *correction it hit Australia not Brazil* (but many M1 flares happened across the whole globe/day) 7.0 Chinese adjacent Earthquake, and Massive Solar Filament, not Earth facing. January 22 & 23, 2024.

Make your intentions known and show up. This is a time of action and clear thoughts. Our soul is unconditionally loving and divine, so enjoy the compassion and communion. Let those foolish expose their foolishness, let those brave expose their divinity. Are you struggling with the solar flares? Heavy metal cleansing is something to gently begin. You're not unique we all should keep up on this. Footbaths pull it out the feet. Proper iodine for radiation levels. is where I ordered my Mayan calendar if you want one too.

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Love, Alexis

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