State-sponsored hate crime

1 year ago

State-sponsored hate crime January 23, 2024 update.

FYI: the censorship, view counter manipulation and shadow banning continues to be ever more present on all my social media even the free ones, please like or dislike, share my content while you still can that will be much appreciated.

A day in the life or almost a lifetime being a subject in an illegal experiment! a mind a control project that has been turned into a global social engineering program! That is what this situation is! this is my life! And in this video, I respond to the latest hate crimes and propaganda campaigns being waged against me Stephen Bell publicly here in January 2024, this is the first part of many videos to come, about how it all began! How I became the protagonist in a global social engineering program, which is run principally by United States government the CIA and the Danish and British government and their intelligence agencies, one might say a continuation of the MK ultra projects.


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