Australia Day Is Being Deleted

11 months ago

We all know shops such as Woolworths, Aldi, and Kmart are refusing to stock Australia Day merchandise. Okay, whatever. People can choose to shop elsewhere. Last year, four Australian councils scrapped Australia Day citizenship ceremonies, including three in Melbourne, as well as Hobart City Council, which passed by only one vote with calls of “shame” from the public gallery.

This year, however, 81 councils have scrapped their Australia Day ceremonies. This is out of a total of 537 Australian councils meaning 15% of councils will no longer hold these ceremonies on Australia Day. The reason for such a rapid rise in dissenting councils is that the Albanese Government scrapped a rule that forced all councils to hold citizenship ceremonies on January 26. All the Prime Minister had to say on the matter was, “The Government still supports Australia Day.” LOL!

Here’s the Geelong City Council website who “held a six-month conversation about 26 January to understand and acknowledge the experiences of First Nations Peoples”. As a result of the feedback, the council have decided they will “Re-schedule citizenship ceremonies to another day within three days of 26 January”, “Cease referring to 26 January as Australia Day in all communications and refer to the day as 26 January”, and, “Council has also reaffirmed its commitment to the Uluru Statement of the Heart”, you know, the one Australians voted against in last year’s referendum.

Here’s the University of Sydney’s News Website. Just by accident, when I searched for Australia Day, I got the following results: “International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia”, “Lesbian Visibility Day”, “International Transgender Day of Visibility”, “International Day of People with Disability”, and, “Global Accessibility Awareness Day”. That’s all. There’s absolutely nothing about Australia Day. And I’m not even joking here. These are real results. You can try it out for yourself (link below).

Here’s the Coffs Harbour City Council website. They conduct Citizenship ceremonies on Harmony Day, on Citizenship Day, and around Australia Day, not on it, around it. Heaven forbid you hold an Australia Citizenship ceremony on Australia Day. You might offend somebody, right?

University of Wollongong’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Patricia M. Davidson announced a New respectful work arrangement for Australia Day basically allowing employees to work on 26 January instead of taking the day off in “a show of respect for First Nations people”. They state that although for many people Australia Day is a time of celebration, for Indigenous Australians, this date translates to invasion, survival and murder. So if you celebrate Australia Day, you’re celebrating murder you barbarian!, at least according to the University of Wollongong.

The City of Stonnington in Melbourne has some upcoming events. Guess what happens on January 26? A healing ceremony! Don’t worry it’s free, and there’s no mention of that evil Australia Day. Actually, there’s no mention of the word Australia, which is just a European colonial creation after all.

Look, I could go on forever, but I think you get the idea. Australia Day is under attack, which means Australia is under attack. The PM might pretend that nothing is happening, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.


Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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