Goldeneye 007 - Level 16 Control - Infinite Ammo Cheat

1 year ago

This video shows how to unlock the cheat Infinite Ammo . To unlock this cheat you need to complete Control on Secret Agent in under 10:00.

a: Protect Natalya
b: Disable Goldeneye satellite
c: Destroy armored mainframes

This can be a little tricky if you fail to conserve health past the first area with the camera guns. Make sure to take them out without taking damage.

The next corridor has guards with grenades. Be careful when engaging them. Remember to pick up the remote mines at the end, down the stairs.

Before you bring out Natalya into the control room you need to destroy as many of the mainframes as possible first. Use the remote mines to destroy them You can pick up the body armor as well on th etop floor if you run after Boris when he runs away. I recommend you do this for safety.

While protecting Natalya, the guards will come running down from the upper floor. It's more effective to wait for them and take them out as they come running down the stairs. If someone manages to avoid your gunfire, take them out when they appear on the lower floor. (You can go down to the lower floor with Natalya and protect her there. You have better overview of where the guards are running from there, but it takes longer.

After Natalya has done her computer magic, you need to run to the elevator to complete the level. Take out the remaining mainframe and the guards in the container area. Wait at the elevator for objective a to be confirmed completed.

Name: Goldeneye 007
Developer: RARE
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo 64 (XBOX LA, Series, SWITCH)
Release Date: JP: 23 Aug 1997 / NA: 25 Aug 1997 / UK: 7 Nov 1997

â–ºNo Commentary Gameplay by TubaTheGamer (2024)â—„

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