Carry On (live)

1 year ago

by Mark A. Lajoie as found on our album, "Classic...Live...Living...Waters"!
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
ISRC: QZX882311244
UPC 650311435383
Catalog # RN1430517

I was dream-ing, I was walk-ing a-long the shore
Two sets of foot-prints; there were mine
There were those of the Lord
And we were walk-ing
Walk-ing a-long the shore

And I was think-ing I couldn't go on a-ny-more
Two sets of foot-prints were now only one on the shore
But then the light be-gan to dawn
I was be-ing car-ried by God's own Son

Car-ry on! Car-ry on!

So I will fol-low you each day my whole life through
And when I pick up my cross
I will be car-ried by You!

Car-ry on! Car-ry on! I am weak, you are strong!
Car-ry on! Car-ry on!

So I will walk a-long but I'll never walk a-lone
My heart is beat-ing strong
Your Heart is bleed-ing on your throne!

Car-ry on! Car-ry on! I am weak. You are strong!
Car-ry on! Car-ry me, Lord!

On your back the weight of a world of sin
By your stripes heal-ing the world be-gins and it goes on
So car-ry on! Car-ry on! Car-ry on! Car-ry on! Car-ry on!

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