“Run Away” - Green Hills Zone - Sonic 2 SMS/GG - PARODY song lyrics

11 months ago

CHOO CHOO! All aboard the Trauma Train!
Ain’t stoppin for shit in this Wierd Gaz Yankovic sonic song project!

This was honestly my favorite zone in Sonic 2 on the SMS
The track was a bop and filled me with such motivation and hope…

(False hope, but still)

Every time I’d make a break for it I felt like Sonic just peeling out and running as far and fast as I could.

Course I’d always just end up at my grandparents house or my cousins. One time tho I did actually make it across the county line (but ended up crawling under a fence onto a military base and had to book it like a bandit before I got caught) that was scary enough,and I didn’t know what direction to head in next, and it got dark and cold real quick.

I tried tho.
God, did I try.

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