Elon Musk Challenges Media Norms: Calls for Public Power Over News

1 year ago

Elon Musk confronts the gatekeeping function of the news industry. He says the people, not a handful of editors, should decide what's important.

"There are about five editors [who] decide what gets put on the front page or what to focus on or what not to focus on. And most of the other papers just copy them, essentially.

"But is that really what we want? Do we want just a handful of people deciding what they think is important? Or should it be that the people decide what's important?

"And I think it should be sort of an organic thing where the people decide what's important and what to focus on, not just a handful of editors. And yeah, they don't like the fact that this power has been taken away from them, but I think it should be."

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