The Gracious Two - LIVE Show 020 - Scott Martinetti

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The Gracious Two, Chad Gracey and JRo (Mr. GoodTimes) discuss various topics including the new lawsuit brought against Chad Taylor. (link at the bottom)

Chad discussed developing his unique drumming style by avoiding lessons and collaboratively working out song arrangements with the band instead of being given fully constructed songs.

Chad Gracey and JRo discussed +LiVe+ ( live ) and some missed opportunities. Chad explained challenges with their record label not capitalizing on promotion opportunities for songs from their 5 album, hindering its commercial success.

Chad Gracey, Mr. GoodTimes and Scott Martinetti discussed the food system. The discussion covered how the US food system's heavy use of chemicals like Roundup impacts health by disrupting the microbiome and nutrient absorption compared to other countries.

Scott Martinetti shared observations on Brazilians facing less stress, propaganda and disrupted lifestyles from social media compared to Americans whose nervous systems seem neurologically frayed from the food system and societal pressures.

The guys discussed the scope of US government surveillance revealed by Edward Snowden and greater propaganda in the US obscuring awareness of issues compared to citizens of other nations who are more cognizant of government corruption.

JRo & Chad thanked guests, audience and shared upcoming guest lineup details while Young Bobby ( Robert Hayes ) discussed some crypto & JRo plugged the Gracious Two's social media and merchandise sites. Instagram: @the_gracious_two

New CHAD TAYLOR lawsuit:

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