Doing what is simply convenient, is harmful! #discipline #motivation #nutrition #enzymes #exercise

1 year ago

Discipline and consistency is the key to any successful areas of our lives, especially our health habits. Without our health, we have nothing. The healthy person wants thousands of things and has unlimited wants/wishes. Guess what a really sick person wants... They only want one thing, and the is their health back! Pay now, or pay later. We have gathered our favorite nutritional formulas/products from many different formulators/manufacturers and are putting them in one easy place to order from. Use our almost 20 years of experiences, lab tests, diagnostics, evidence based findings over the years, and success stories to bio hack your own body! #shorts

The #1 thing I have found in practice and with my family/friends, that is the easiest and most impactful to our health/function, is adding a specialized food enzyme formula whenever eating cooked and processed food!

The Best Ingredients: We want you to have only the best, so we'll never settle on our ingredients. Top Rated Products: We rank highly among our customer's favorites in each product type.

Shop Link: Reach out for a potential discount code, subscription savings, and/or Free Shipping with $99 orders.

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Hippocrates, Cruelty-Free, We never use animals in the testing of any of our products, whole flower, lip balm, skin health roller, relief balm, bath bomb, immunity, immune system, nervous system, endocannabinoid system, real vitamin c, complete b-complex, recovery enzymes, daily multi vitamin, adrenal support, alpha man, alpha woman, super blend, bone strength, breast stick, dog biscuits, colon motility, diarrhea, constipation, erchonia, planks, weight lifting, crossfit, living proof, proteolytic enzymes, unique enzyme delivery system, joint support, heart support, digestive support, clear skin, stabilized probiotics, prebiotics, full spectrum, pudding demo, healing from the inside out, food enzymes, weight loss, fat loss, lose weight now, belly fat loss, keto, ketogenic, paleo, detox, purify, cleanse, diet for fat, Natural, safe, Tucson chiropractor, Tucson chiropractic, Tucson chiropractic center, Synergy Wellness Formulas, chiropractor, chiropractic Tucson, Tucson AZ, Stress, Nutrition, Whole Food Supplements, Supplements, Healthcare, Natural Healthcare, weight loss, Gonstead, Diversified, Activator, Integrator, Thompson, Cox Flexion Distraction, Myofascial Release, Food Allergies, blood analysis, Food sensitivity, testing, saliva hormone testing, stress, hip injury, back pain, neck pain, optimal health, functional nutrition, symptoms, function, supplements, nutraceuticals, headaches, pain, fatigue, daily stabilized probiotic, digestive blend, vibe, balance, hemp oil balm, chelated, chelated minerals, iron complex, liver cleanse, metabolism blend, longevity blend, transform, muscle, creatine, build, regenerative, regenerate, muscle builder, pure cbd fluid, relax and calm, vegan oil blend, cardiovascular health, detox, energy boost, stress relief, cardiaware, synergy, microbiome, catalyn, purification program, neurofeedback, massage, standard process, innate choice, west coast, designs for health, orthomolecular, organic supplements, functional nutrition, vibrant labs, labcorp, cold laser, LLLT, evidence based, plan b, residual income, affiliate program, whole foods, food based formulas, plant based, cbd fluid, spray, qardiomist, rocketonic, core atp, core vitamin d, quantum, hemp balm, vitamin d, l-arginine, beet root powder, blood flow, nitric oxide, hemp, cannabis, healing, get to the cause, healthy, lifestyle,

Disclaimer: This disclaimer applies to all and any content in this or outside of this profile in regards to Dr. Tim Harrigan, Chiropractic Physician, anywhere in any types of media. This presentation is meant for informational purpose only. Any communication or presentation is not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. The content is solely the opinion of Dr. Tim Harrigan, BSc, Chiropractic Physician. Please speak with your healthcare provider regarding any change in your healthcare plan. The information contained anywhere should not be construed as a claim or representation that any procedure or product mentioned constitutes a specific cure, palliative, or ameliorative for any condition. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Products and/or information related to, or contained in, or referenced, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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