Rockefeller Dynasty: One step ahead of world events?

8 months ago

"Rockefeller certainly is one of the most famous names in the world and there are countless rumors about the wealth of the Rockefeller clan. One thing, however, is for sure: The official estimations of the Rockefellers’ wealth are definitely too low.” From the early years on, the Rockefellers showed their talent in using global crises to their advantage.

They maintain relationships with the most important families of high finance, for example the powerful financial group BlackRock, as well as with other influential people in this world: Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Ted Turner, and Michael Bloomberg are only a few names of this top-class list. This Kla.TV documentary reveals background research on the global network of the Rockefeller dynasty. Help to share this program with the people!

„Rockefeller certainly is one of the most famous names in the world, and there are countless rumors about the wealth of the Rockefeller clan. One thing, however, is for sure: The official estimations of the Rockefellers’ wealth are definitely too low.”

Those are the opening phrases of the chapter “Rockefeller Foundation” of the book “Inside Corona”. Thomas Röper, the author, shows, that the Rockefeller Foundation still has a significant influence on world events today. Even if the mainstream media nowadays hardly reports about the Rockefellers, their influence on politics, NGO’s and media should not be underestimated. Kla.TV has summarized the investigations of Röper for you and has added its own research about the history and the global network of the Rockefeller dynasty.

How vast is the wealth of the Rockefellers today?

In the 19th century, John Davison Rockefeller Senior, the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty, set up the oil imperium Standard Oil Company which was basically the oil monopolist at the beginning of the 20th century. He was known as one of the richest men in history and retired with an asset of approximately 900 million dollars. This asset would be equivalent to 300 billion US dollars today. Today, according to official media reports, the clan is not even rated among the 600 richest families worldwide. Instead of increasing their assets over a hundred years, their wealth is said to have continuously diminished. But how is that possible? Röper writes in his book: “It is extremely difficult to estimate the assets of the clan correctly, because they are true masters at disguising their wealth.”

Did the descendants of the powerful US entrepreneur John D. Rockefeller not know how to handle money?

David Rockefeller, grandson of John D. Rockefeller Senior, probably is the best known and the most important figure of the Rockefeller family. Up until his death in 2017, he was in charge of the family dynasty and had an immense influence on international politics. It can be assumed that he skillfully expanded the family’s power instead of reducing it. Together with the Rothschild family, he was considered as a world banker. In 1960, he became director of the Chase Manhattan Bank which became the third biggest bank worldwide in the mid-seventies. In 2000, the Chase Manhattan Bank, controlled by David Rockefeller, fused with the Morgan family’s bank to form today’s JPMorgan Chase bank. It is the biggest US American bank and, according to business magazine Forbes, in 2022 the fourth biggest company listed on the stock market. The Rockefeller family and the Morgan family were linked ever since the beginning of the 20th century. In short: The Rockefeller family maintains relationships with the most important families of the high finance, for example also the most powerful financial group BlackRock. BlackRock is the biggest asset manager worldwide, managing 10 trillion US dollars as of January 2022. David Rockefeller, for example, hosted a luncheon in honor of Larry Fink in 2016. Larry Fink is BlackRock’s founder, chairman and CEO. As the New York Post wrote back then, other important friends of high finance circles took part in that celebration. These connections alone show, that John D. Rockefeller’s descendants not only have good financial skills themselves – they also have connections with the probably most powerful and respected asset managers.

How did the Rockefellers get their wealth?

Originally, the Rockefeller family came from a German settlement called ‘Rockefeld’ which area now belongs to the Neuwied district in Rhineland-Palatinate. The family emigrated to America in the 18th century. They only became known through the entrepreneur John D. Rockefeller and his brother William, who built the oil empire Standard Oil Company in the 19th century, basically gaining the monopoly on oil in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. Rockefeller could set the price of oil at will and accumulate money and power. Therefore, the presidential candidate Theodore Roosevelt promised to proceed against the Rockefeller monopoly if he was elected. On May 15, 1911, the US Supreme Court ordered the company to be unbundled, causing a significant drop of the share price. The Standard Oil company was split into 34 small companies. Assuming, that the share price would recover, Rockefeller bought the share packages of each of the companies. When the share price rose again later, he earned 200 million US dollars according to conservative estimates which in 1901 was equivalent to a current value of approximately 7.3 billion US dollars. Virtually all of today’s oil companies in the USA have emerged from the “unbundling” of Standard Oil. As NTV and other media channels reported in 2016, the Rockefeller foundations stopped their investments in fossil fuels due to the threat of climate change. According to Röper, however, there is no evidence of a separation of shares on a large scale. One thing is certain: The unbundling of the company served the Rockefellers to further expand their power and accumulate further wealth.

What strategy are the Rockefellers pursuing?

Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State, summarized David Rockefeller’s global strategy in the 1970s as follows: “If you control the oil, you control the nations; if you control the food, you control the people; if you control the money, you control the world.”

The Rockefeller dynasty had already shown its talent in using global crises to its advantage in earlier years. For example, the Rockefellers were able to benefit greatly from the global economic crisis of the 1970s which was dominated by an oil crisis and expand their power and influence. Until 1971, the dollar was a gold-backed currency and therefore influential. In 1971, the then US President Richard Nixon ended the dollar's gold standard and today's financial system, also known as fiat money, was born. In order to maintain the dominance of the USA which has always been based on the dollar, the then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, under the influence of the Rockefellers, negotiated the so-called Petro- or OPEC dollar with Saudi Arabia, whereby oil was sold on the world market almost exclusively for dollars. From then on, the world was forced to buy huge amounts of dollars in order to pay for oil imports. As there has been a great need for oil worldwide for decades, not only did this strengthen the dollar currency and thus the influence of the USA immensely, but also the network of Rockefeller oil and banking companies, which became giants as a result and gained extraordinary influence and power.

How do the Rockefellers manage to stay one step ahead of world history?

Not only do the Rockefellers work with other so-called “philanthropy advisors”, they also maintain relationships with other powerful people on the planet – Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg – to name just a few.

In addition, they are and were founding fathers and members of various elite clubs and think tanks. In 1973, for example, David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission, a think tank to exchange ideas between the elites of North America, Western Europe and Japan. The Rockefellers are also associated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which is considered one of the most powerful think tanks in the world. Several Rockefellers were and are members of the CFR. According to the CFR website, the oil companies Exxon Mobil and Chevron as well as the bank JPMorgan Chase are among the CFR’s most important supporters. The Rockefellers are also known as members of the foundation “The 1001: A Nature Trust”. This controls the WWF. Godfrey Rockefeller was even a long-standing board member and founder of the WWF. The Rockefellers have a special position in world affairs, not only through establishing and maintaining important international relationships, but also through marriages with various elite families in the financial sector.

What significance does the Rockefeller Foundation have today?

The global influence of the Rockefeller Foundation proved to be greater than ever during the coronavirus pandemic. As sources show, the Rockefeller Foundation was already working on a 50-page document in 2010 with four future scenarios – one of them a pandemic scenario called “Lock-Step”, which is strikingly similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. It envisions a world in which authoritarian governments use strict controls such as border closures, economic shutdowns and cutting-edge technology in the form of biometric passports and contact tracing to curb the rights and activities of civil society.

Could it be that key players like the Rockefeller Foundation have been planning a fear-inducing pandemic for years?

This question cannot be answered conclusively. However, an exciting fact related to COVID-19 is that the Rockefeller Foundation funded the establishment of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in 1916. It is the institution that co-hosted Event 201 and provided the world’s media with daily data on COVID deaths and infections. In 2017, the Rockefeller Foundation also provided start-up funding for ID2020, an initiative to give every global citizen a globally readable biometric identity by 2030. The partners in this project are Microsoft, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance and Accenture. Accenture is one of the world’s largest service providers in the field of business and strategy consulting. Accenture is particularly known for its collaboration with the World Economic Forum – WEF for short.

What is the Rockefeller dynasty trying to achieve with its strategies?

David Rockefeller revealed, what was probably the most important goal of his family empire at the 1991 Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden, Germany: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

Röper’s descriptions confirm this statement and indicate, that the Rockefeller Foundation has never given up its global power and still influences world events today. That’s why it is important with all global crises, to investigate, who actually benefits from them, and where do funds flow and have flowed.

from db.
[1] Introduction

Thomas Röper: “Inside Corona – Die Pandemie, das Netzwerk & die Hintermänner”, J.K. Fischer Verlag, ISBN-13 978-3968500089, eBook

[2] How big is Rockefeller’s wealth today??

Thomas Röper: “Inside Corona – Die Pandemie, das Netzwerk & die Hintermänner”, J.K. Fischer Verlag, ISBN-13 978-3968500089, eBook page 68-70

Vermögen Magazin, “Vermögen der Familie Rockefeller”:

Wikipedia, article on John D. Rockefeller, as of Feb 5th 2023:

tagesschau, “Rockefeller und die Macht des Öls”, As of Jan 10th 2020:

[3] Did the descendants of the powerful US entrepreneur John D. Rockefeller not know how to handle money?

Wikipedia, Artikel David Rockefeller, as of Nov 21st 2022:

Wikipedia, Chase Manhattan Bank, as of Feb 6th 2023:

Wikipedia, JPMorgan Chase & Co., as of Jan 11th 2023:

Forbes “The Global 2000”, as of May 12th 2022:

we are change, “Die Rockefeller’s und ihr Einfluss auf die Weltpolitik”:

Wikipedia, Black Rock, as of Feb 5th 2023:

List of the most powerful families in the world, Rockefeller Family:

New York Post, “David Rockefeller hosts some of the world’s wealthiest at MOMA”:

[4] How did the Rockefellers get rich?

Wikipedia, Rockefeller, as of May 22nd 2022:

Thomas Röper: “Inside Corona – Die Pandemie, das Netzwerk & die Hintermänner”, J.K. Fischer Verlag, ISBN-13 978-3968500089, eBook page 68-70

Wikipedia, Artikel Standard Oil Company, as of May 28th 2022:

tagesschau, “Rockefeller und die Macht des Öls”, as of Jan 10th 2020:

Development of the US-Dollar since 1901, date of the statistic June 8th 2023

NTV, “Rockefellers verabschieden sich vom Öl”, Message on Mar 24th 2016:

[5] What strategy are the Rockefellers pursuing?

Thomas Röper: “Inside Corona – Die Pandemie, das Netzwerk & die Hintermänner”, J.K. Fischer Verlag, ISBN-13 978-3968500089, eBook page 78

The New York Times Archives, “ROCKEFELLER GAVE KISSINGER $50,000, HELPED 2 OTHERS”:

Poison in the sky, article “Wie die Ölkartelle die Welt eroberten” on Apr 20th 2020:

[6] How did the Rockefellers come to be one step ahead of world history?

Thomas Röper: “Inside Corona – Die Pandemie, das Netzwerk & die Hintermänner”, J.K. Fischer Verlag, ISBN-13 978-3968500089, eBook page 80-81

List of the most powerful families in the world, Rockefeller Family:

At the first Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthrop, photo on Dec 10th 2001:

The Times, “Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation”:

the Guardian, “They’re called the Good Club – and they want to save the world”:

Wikipedia, Trilateral Commission, as of Jan 24th 2023:

Website Council on Foreign Relations – Membership Roster:

Website Council on Foreign Relations – Founders:

Wikipedia, The 1001: A Nature Trust, as of Jan 4th 2023:

Wikipedia, Godfrey A. Rockefeller, as of Dec 14th 2022:

Webseite Rockefeller Foundation, common project in 2017:

[7] What is the significance of the Rockefeller Foundation today?

“Geld und mehr” a blog by Norbert Häring, “Gleichschritt – Das unheimlich weitsichtige Pandemie-Szenario der Rockefeller Stiftung”:

Brochure “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”:

[8] Could it be that key players like the Rockefeller Foundation have been planning a fear-inducing pandemic for years?

“Geld und mehr” a blog by Norbert Häring, «Gleichschritt – Das unheimlich weitsichtige Pandemie-Szenario der Rockefeller Stiftung»:

Wikipedia, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Stand 30. Januar 2023:

Wikipdeia, Rockefeller Fondation, as of Jan 15th 2023:

Webseite Event 201, organizer:

COVID-19 Dashboard:

About – Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health:

Webseite The ID2020 Alliance, Partners:

Webseite of accenture, “World Economic Forum in Davos 2023”

[9] What is the Rockefeller dynasty trying to achieve with its strategies?

Quote by David Rockefeller, 1991 at a Bilderberger-Conference in Baden-Baden:

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