Reporter Measures 'No Weapons Allowed' Sign After Mass Shooting, Finds It's Too Small

1 year ago

It didn't make the national news, but there was a mass shooting at a shopping mall in Kansas City, Missouri last week. No one died; six people were injured. Witnesses said there was a "verbal disagreement" between two groups of young men before the shooting. There shouldn't have been a shooting at all, because the mall has a "no weapons" policy. However, the shooters might have missed that because the sign prohibiting weapons was a couple of inches smaller than required. Watch as a local news reporter breaks out a tape measure and measures the gun-free zone sign. Reporter *bewildered* that a shooting could possibly happen when the sign clearly states no guns. "What?! How could it be? Sign was wrong size, probably"

• More at: Twitchy - Reporter Measures 'No Weapons Allowed' Sign After Mass Shooting, Finds It's Too Small

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