Nicky "Tunnel Rat" Lee - Night Force - G.I. Joe Classified - Unboxing and Review

11 months ago

The Night Force version of Tunnel Rat is out and being he's one of if not the favorite character of mine, I wanted to go over the figure right away. He still comes with all the same equipment, just in a different color scheme but still looks pretty good. I do prefer the Vintage O-ring version better though, but I understand this is supposed to be more realistic.

Slowed the ending theme for GI Joe for the photos at the end.

#tunnelrat #nickylee #nickytunnelratlee #nightforce #nightforcetunnelrat #gijoe #arealamericanhero #cobra #cobratheenemy #yojoe #gijoearealamericanhero #gijoelcassified #gijoeclassifiedseries

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