KRYON – The Awakening has a 36 Year Window – It began in 1994 – 2030 is the END of the Window

1 year ago

The timing of the shift: this time has been predicted and the shift is an awakening consciousness on the planet that is seeing both negative and positive things taking place. It's a Battle.

It is a battle between Old Energy (DARK) and New Energy (LIGHT). Some are awakening with new consciousness and fighting those with the old.

An old consciousness is one that wants war after war and that is what our history of humanity is known for.

We are NOW in the Fulcrum of Change. We are right in the Center of it all.

We are now in a recovery period in which it is like recovering from awakening from a sickness. The sickness is the dark energy that humanity has been in for thousands and thousands of years.

What is the timing? How long does it last and when did it start?

It is tied to Astronomy. So much is tied into the stars with the influence of the Sun and Moon and so much more. Astronomy always plays a part in human consciousness.

The Mayans were Astronomy experts. They created calendars of consciousness over 5,000 year cycles.

The Astronomical change in 2012 was so GRAND that they had to throw away their old system of calendars and put up new ones. This was long before the Mayan settlements had disappeared. They have consciousness calendars on the shelf till the year 4,000. They understood Astronomy.

They saw the 26,000 year wobble cycle of the Earth and they computed the middle of it.

When was the Middle of it? 2012.

This is when the shift would be and it would go one of two ways.

Humanity would either destroy itself or it would go into one of the Highest Consciousness that it had ever seen.

BUT: It didn't start in 2012. The timing of the awakening is slow. This particular Precession of the Equinox is a window of change. This window is 36 years wide.

The shift is 36 years wide for the Majority of the Change. A little shift coming into it, a lot of change happening during it and smaller, gradual changes after that.

The Fulcrum was in 2012.

The start of this 36 year window was in 1994.

Many Indigo children were born in this time period. Indigo has nothing to do with human Aura. It is simply a description of a new kind of child.

2012 is the middle of the 36 year window. It's not the beginning and it's not the end.

Where does the Window End? 2030.

BUT: It doesn't open and shut like we expect in this 3D world.

We are close to the end of this window but we are also receiving the energy from the Fulcrum, 2012.

Right now we are at the height of the differences, and we are seeing them. It is a battle between Light and Dark and we are seeing this.

We are seeing GREAT Change.

We will begin to see the Objection by the people if their Government is not Transparent with them. (COVID-19 PLAN to Exterminate Humanity)

Most of us were Adults when this window started.

Where are we in all of this while we are Awakening from this coma of darkness? The recovery from thousands of years of dark energy may last decades. It is a gradual awakening, but it has BEGUN. This right here, listening to this is part of it. We will help one another in this process.

When the window is over in 2030 it means that most of the Actionable Items have occurred and things may slow down finally.

What is Next? A Continued Recovery.

Into the Light We Go.

Source: Kryon Lee Carroll --

END. 1/23/2024.

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