Biblical lies

1 year ago

Keep calm and think. Review what is going on. Chances are you will see it is fake. It is for a desired result. Be it for good or for bad.
We are at the threshold of the end.
NFL is scripted.
Civil war at Texas border?
Alex Soros put out a death threat to Trump. Or did he? Is Alex even alive?
Bashan IS Golan hights.
In biblical times there was the Nephilim. Og king of Bashan. (Golan hights) Trump gave Golan hights to Israel. I’m currently trying to fine if that’s actually the real heart of Canaanite land.
I did a quick research. The Torá says he got help from God and Noah. He clung to the arch. And was fed through a trap door. While God kept the hot flood waters cool around him.
The Bible’s Old Testament says he was killed.,SOMEONE IS LYING. And has been for thousands of years. There is so much to this rabbit hole I stumbled across. I honestly don’t know where to begin. So the that is what I found thus far.
As Golan hights is where Og was. Today you can look on google earth and find a 500 foot stone circle. Trump, Israel, Nephilim,,,
You can Google search it. Or Duck duck go.

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