"Religion is a business" says Morgue-Where does all the money go?

1 year ago


Aren’t you sick of these gurus yet, with all their phony talk, their ludicrous claims, their constant appeals to private experience beyond any possibility of being challenged by anyone else? This is the perfect scam. Jesus Christ supposedly came back from the dead yet didn’t appear to a single person outside his circle. Not once has any Christian ever explained why Jesus Christ did not present himself to Pontius Pilate to prove that he had indeed come back from the dead. Instead, he showed himself (allegedly) to the very people whose testimony was least credible – his own band of followers who had slavishly and mindlessly followed him from years. -

Gurus are never the wisest men in a given group, but they are always the most manipulative. They are always charismatic. They know how to sell the snake oil, and all too many are eager buyers. Caveat Emptor.

Tanner, Jack. Endarkenment: New Age Fake Enlightenment . Metamorphosis Publishing.

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