Satire -Our World & Mass Brainwashing the Last Decades & Elites are Evil Creatures

1 year ago

This is a kind of sattire about the evils of our world, so psy-phy in every way in real life more evil than any horror movie. This one we can not turn off until We the People ALL unite and stop it and we can! Swifly if we all realize yes, This really IS a depopulation evil agena by unelected foreign psychopaths. There are more of us good God loving people than those evil creatures protrayed as lizard people. Bill Gates, Klaus Schaub and his side kick Huurari, all the world's presidents just about, Fauci, all the candidates reallyas none is really speaking out to ban the jabs, except the Florida Surgeon General who is very good to do so. All the eletes are right now in Geneva Switzerland in cahoots planning their next evil move and Virus X, like who are they kidding? Do they think we are that stupid? I guess so. Let us NOT be and Fight for our lives in Unity now .
In case you may want to donate for my research time to post here is my Bitcoin address, and thank you much!

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