Latin Mass Hate

1 year ago

Many in the Catholic Church, including Pope Francis, hate the Mass of the ages, hate the Latin Mass. The Latin Mass is truth and beauty and is supernatural, something progressives, including Francis despise. They want to take the Catholic Church into a Protestant direction. The Novus Ordo Mass is a legit Mass, but it is the product of Vartican II. Since Vatican II, by every measurement, the Catholic Church has declined, including a major decrease in the number of priests and nuns and practicing Catholics. The actual documents of Vatican II do not allow what has happened to the Catholic Church since Vatican II, but it continues to happen. About the only segment of the Catholic Church that is thriving is the Latin Mass, with many wonderful families and others being nourished by the ancient Mass. Many in the Church and even in the secular world see the Latin Mass as a threat to their Marxism. Marxists try to destroy the family and the church. The Catholic Church has been a prime target of the Marxists and their ilk since the beginning. The authentic Catholic Church so hinders those who want a "great reset" and other communist schemes. The left has always attacked the Catholic Faith. This attack on the Latin Mass, including by the anti-Catholic pope is largelyu more of the same. The Latin Mass will continue to grow despite all of the efforts to stop it, it is on the side of God

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