Who Will Find What The Finders Hide (Full Documentary)

1 year ago

We are going to explore the story of a cult that was suspected of international human trafficking in 1987. The Finders cult was a young group of men, women, and children who claimed to be nothing more than former hippies living an alternative lifestyle and practicing alternative parenting. The Finders were founded by a mysterious man with military connections nicknamed The Game Caller who believed in turning his life, and the lives of those around him, into a constant game or experiment.

Although more than 30 years have passed since The Finders made their way to the front page of newspapers all over the United States, questions still remain. Did the Game Callers games involve trafficking of children? What exactly were the finders finding? Why did this story make mainstream headlines and then disappear in less than a week? Was the story part of the moral panic of the 1980s, or something more? We will answer these questions, and most importantly, we ask,

Who Will Find What The Finders Hide?

As we examine the story of The Finders cult i want to make all of our readers aware that everything in this investigation is documented and can be confirmed by looking at our sources. This story deals with accusations of Satanic activity, child trafficking, and intelligence operations. We take these claims seriously and went to great lengths to confirm the information we are about to present to you.

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