8 months ago

if you seriously think that this open border has been a great thing take a listen. tell me what this man tells you. it sure as hell is not thank you for letting me into your country I am ever so grateful speech. and it's not the I'm going to take America for everything it has kind of speech. he has no plans on living off of the welfare of America and it's taxpayers you and me. this man has come to this country with one goal in minded and it's not setting up a party. it's probably setting up some funerals.
**{And apparently I've been put in the naughty corner again by YouTube for 24 hours cuz apparently they don't like me pointing out the fact that they didn't use bomb sniffing dogs on January 6th. think I hit a nerve? oh f*** yeah I did! so you will see what my comment is at the end of the video as I type it in but you will see that screw tube tells me 'I have 21 hours to go before I can come out of my naughty corner!' FUCK YOU SUSAN! IF I EVER CAME FACE TO FACE WITH HER, I would, with every word, I would spit in response to the head of screw tube Susan Wojciewki.}

This is the type of behavior bravado and words you hear from a terrorist who is here with one goal in mind and that's to kill as many Americans at one time, even himself, as soon as possible!

for a foreigner who's just fresh crossing the line he sure speaks English pretty damn well. did you ever wonder where he learned it from? He's obviously educated & very fluent in English and American idioms but he sounds like he comes from money ... or he has access to influential people that partake in these types of activities. that takes money and he ain't dressed like he comes from money. I bet you is family don't even own a goat let alone a donkey or a car. there are even Hamas fighters dressed like regular people from Gaza everyday ordinary clothing. so they can blend in with the honest good people. like in Vietnam how did you know if they were VC or friendly they all look alike.
he reminds me of those fools wanderers and refugees you see in front of khalifa hospital in Gaza. oh my gosh even sounds like one of them. color me shocked.

I live in Yuma Arizona and this s*** crosses on the border every day. make Gaza a parking lot and shut down the border Joe


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