"The Gorilla Mystery" (1930 Original Back & White Cartoon)

11 months ago

Unravel the enigmatic charm of 'The Gorilla Mystery,' a captivating 1930 Mickey Mouse animated film produced by Walt Disney for Columbia Pictures, and a noteworthy addition to the esteemed Mickey Mouse film series. This intriguing creation marks the twenty-second installment in the series and the seventh of its year.

Step into a world of animated mystery as Mickey Mouse takes center stage in this delightful short, paying homage to the 1925 play 'The Gorilla' by Ralph Spence. This clever spoof adds a Disney twist to the narrative, creating a whimsical adventure filled with laughter and surprises. Notably, 'The Gorilla Mystery' draws inspiration from the play's 1927 silent film adaptation and a subsequent sound remake.

Join us as we explore the magic of this vintage Mickey Mouse masterpiece, where humor and mystery collide in classic Disney style. Whether you're a dedicated Disney enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of animation, 'The Gorilla Mystery' promises a delightful journey into the golden age of cartoons. Experience the joy of timeless storytelling with Mickey Mouse and unravel the charm of 'The Gorilla Mystery.

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