Article 4615 Video - So It Begins - Monday, January 22, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4615 Video - So It Begins - Monday, January 22, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Last week, a young man who used to work for me was arrested on charges of indecent exposure in a stolen truck filled with stolen guns and enough (kind unstated) drugs to make the DA think he was intending to resell them. A friend of his paid $1500 in bail to get him out of trouble, and his brother took him and his girlfriend off the street -- in January, in Alaska, that's no small favor -- only to be attacked in his own home and have his, the brother's truck, vandalized.

So, my erstwhile carpenter is back in jail.

That's where he belongs. It's the only chance he is likely to have to get off the drugs that sent him on this absurdly negative course. All efforts to get him into rehab using gentler means failed. He had too much pride to go into a program, though he clearly needed intervention, both for drug use and rage control.

Even if he did agree to go into an in-house rehab program, there aren't many slots and the programs are hideously expensive. His whole family would have had to make dire sacrifices to pay his way at a private hospital.

Now he gets to go through withdrawal in a jail cell.

I suppose it is as good a place as any.

Three hots and a cot for the rest of the winter, and maybe several winters to come.

Because of repeated and closely connected brushes with the law he's looking at over twenty years total for all the offenses he has totaled up.

It's hard to equate his disheveled manic face now with the young man I met two years ago. The drug use has transformed him into a different person, reckless, dishonest, angry, and uncaring. He thinks that the world and everyone in it owes him something.

At least, while he's on the drug. After it wears off and he is himself again, he cries because he's ashamed and hopeless.

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